Monday, August 29, 2016

Avvesome, Another VV Band!!: VVOES of Fort Worth


VVhoa, vve vvere just thinking how much vve've needed another band doing the Alvvays and Wavves thing, and lo! vve've found one. And they're just up the road from us!! More than that, though, vve love their music!! Numbers 3 & 1 are our favorites on VVOES' Get Your Life EP.

P.S.: If we've -- oops, vve've -- overlooked any other vv bands, please let us knovv!!

Sunday, August 28, 2016

Animal Camera Clicks Again

Yes, indeed, The Legend Continues, and we couldn't be happier. (Well, maybe we could be under certain circumstances, but, hey, you know, all's good with this groovy tuneage is basically what we're saying.) Burien band Animal Camera clicked our twanger immediately upon first listen, and now we find it weren't no fluke, for they do it again! (i.e., the twanger continues merrily to twang).

We just now discovered in our email boxe they've issued "a collection of songs from the unfinished 'Smooth EP'," whatever that might mean. No matter, what's here is good/groovy poppsych, as we hope you will soon hear. Below we're posting our three faves, all available for name-your-price download at Bandcamp. Last time we forewent "French Girls," sending you to KEXP Blog, where we had first enjoyed close encounters of the heard kind. So, ooh-la-la, we're now glad to give it a whirl right here in our own impersonal element. Perhaps we're being a little unwontedly/unwantedly chatty, so we'll stuff a cork and go to embed, after, that is, letting you know they're still at Facebook.

Saturday, August 27, 2016

Diamond Hands' Sixtiesish Jangle

Many thanks to friend and Tumblrblogger dramandy for the headsup on Sixties-inflected L.A. band Diamond Hands. We get the Burger Records updates, too, but must have overlooked this one. Song #1 is our favorite, but we particularly like #2 & #5 as well. As we share a Super compatibility rating with dramandy and consistently find great music at her blog, we strongly suggest you join us in checking Every Needle Has An Eye on a regular basis.

The Death Of Pop Live! (short "i")

We posted London band The Death Of Pop years ago and rejoice in the hyperbolic inaccuracy of their bandname. We like "Locomotive" off of their new Discos De Kirlian LP, Turn, and LOVE the first two janglers on their year-old EP, Bubble Bath. BTW, that previous post of TDOP still offers groovy nypers for your consideration.

NurseOnDuty - LifeThroughAScreen

Kat (Vocals, Kaoss Manipulations) and Ad (Guitars, Bass, Synths, Beats, Samples, Sound design, Noize) of Norwich band NurseOnDuty apparently like to run words together. We do, too, and also like the 'gaze they're giving us. Below is our favorite, along with the rest of, yes, EP:2. (They also seem to like that dog. We do, too.)

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Teenage Fanclub's Second From HERE

Oh, yeah, they def rock.

We liked the first one from long-time faveband Teenage Fanclub's forthcoming LP and LOVE the second, posted below. Here should be here on 9sep16. Till then we float on thin air.

And while we're at it, how could we not repost our all-time favorite by TFC? Right: no way. This one drives us wild with pleasure.

And in case you missed it, here's one of our favorite songs of the century, courtesy of former TFC drummer Paul Quinn's band, The Primary 5. (That's he on the sticks 'n' tubs up there in "Sparky's Dream.")

Wand Magic Got Our Head Floating

A Wand wand*** (That wand looks awfully familiar.)

We've been enjoying and buying L.A. band Wand's conjurations for a couple of years now and were entranced/blown away by their four-song performance posted at KEXP last week. Here's our favorite, but all of them did the trick. Go to the KEXP post to see the rest.

***See Amber Knecht's excellent Flickrpics here.

Tuesday, August 09, 2016

Faves from Ice Cream Man's Power Popsicle Brain Freeze Compilation (Part 2): Tommy Sistak, Sally Stitches, Dirt Royal, Marauders, Tommy Lorente, Kent Norberg, The Walker Brigade, David Brookings and The Average Lookings

Below are eight more of our favorites from Ice Cream Man's Power Popsicle Brain Freeze compilation. Once again, we'll post the entire compilaton, followed by the eight faves, numbered for your inconvenience. All are available for free and legal downloading at Futureman Records Bandcamp page. Click here to see our previous PPBF faves post.









Sunday, August 07, 2016

Faves from Ice Cream Man's Power Popsicle Brain Freeze Compilation (Part 1): The Galileo 7, Arvidson & Butterflies, Glenn Robinson, Talk Show Host, Hanky Panky, Readymade Breakup, The Manics, Broken Promise Keeper

For the past couple of years, powerpop empresario/ice cream man Wayne Lundquist Ford has issued compilations of free and legally downloadable primo powerpop. And each year the scoops get bigger and better. We just got through consuming all 139 of this year's fare, waddled over to our editing box, and are posting our very favorites below and in a future post.

But here's how were doing it. The first widget has all 139 scoops, in case you want to scarf them as we did, one by one. Underneath that first widget come eight of our favorites, not necessarily in playing order. We will indicate each song's number, just in case that might be, you know, useful.

Many thanks to Wayne Lundquist Ford for these incredible compilations. As he helpfully pointed out, if the quota of downloads has been met at his Bandcamp page, you can also find the compilation free of charge at the Futureman Records Bandcamp page.

Click here and here for the two previous Ice Cream Man Powerpop and More compilations. We'll be posting our other eight faves soon.









Wednesday, August 03, 2016

Comp Faves Catchup #2: Eux Autres, the Waistcoats, Mauk e Os Cadillacs Malditos, Twinpine(s), The Red Plastic Buddha, Ghost Dance Collective, Sun Mahshene

Here's the promised followup post in which we try to catch up on free & legal favesongs from groovilicious LP compilations. Of the making of music there is no end, and frankly, we're tickled pink.

From Living High On The Dirty Business Of Dreams (Where You Are Is Where It's At sampler) - Free download here

Eux Autres

From 50,000,000 Elves Fans Can't Be Wrong ( Where It's At Is Where You Are Xmas comp) - Seven months behind or five months ahead? You decide. - Free download here

the Waistcoats

From The Cure In Other Voices (The Blog That Celebrates tribute to, duh, The Cure) - Free download here - Most of The Cure classics are covered, but we were mainly excited by the two below. Admittedly our ears might be being a bit picky.

From DGAB #5 (Dogs Got A Bone Records) - Free download here

The Red Plastic Buddha

Ghost Dance Collective

Sun Mahshene

Comp Faves Catchup #1: Ghost Transmission, The Myrrors, Heaters, Magic Castles, Rancho Relaxo, Tales of Murder and Dust, Soft Science, Drakes Hotel, Citrus Clouds, Death Valley Sleepers, Follow Me Not

We try to keep up with favorite free and legals we're finding on groovy compilation LPs but sometimes we simply fail to keep up. Hence this post (and a second to follow).

From Zero Hour - Suicide Revisited (The Blog That Celebrates Itself comp) - Free download here

From The Active Listener Sampler 42 - Free download here

The Myrrors


From The Psychedelic Underground Generation - Summary - Free download here

From Soft as Fire in The House of Love (The Blog That Celebrates Itself tribute to The House of Love - Free download here

The Kickstand Band Cut One

We love stone, Gothic arches, and TKB.

Yes, yes, we do love this Detroit duo, as previously indicated. The first song in the widgie is our fave from Cut 'Em Loose, but you can get all three on the EP below.

Furthermore, we can't resist posting our all-time favorite by TKB and also post the video so as to give you a touch of their whimsical charm.

Download the entire Puppy Love LP for name-your-price at Bandcamp.

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