A few recent and recentish finds/loves:
The Golden Dogs - Cheap Umbrellas mp3 - from Coat of Arms - MySpace - Thanks to Indie Rock Cafe, which has one more here.
The Rassle - Celebrate The Days mp3 - from The Rassle EP - MySpace - Get the free EP here.
Western Civ - My Valuable Hunting Knife mp3 - from Sing For Your Meat: A Tribute to Guided By Voices - MySpace - Thanks to Team Clermont.
Skull Tape - Trans Anthro mp3 - from The Invisible Hand and The Descent Of Man - MySpace
BTW, there's a looload of links in this post, so might we pause to recommend that post we did on mouse scroll wheel clicking? Why, yes, we just might.
Bird of Youth - She Is Here to Stay mp3 - from Defender - MySpace
Seapony - Dreaming mp3 - from Go With Me, out today - MySpace - You like? Find another Seapony here.
Papercuts - Do You Really Wanna Know mp3 - from Fading Parade - MySpace
Burning Hearts - Into The Wilderness mp3 - from Into The Wilderness EP - MySpace - Thanks to Music of the Moment for the headsup.