Wednesday, December 19, 2018

End-of-Year Free-Download Extravagonzo: Ballard, Glenn Robinson, Green Buzzard, Prince Rupert's Drops, Jetstream Pony, The Dandelion Seeds, Sir Robin & The Longbowmen, Burning House, Ben Woods, Vista Blue, Sloucher, The Faux Derix, The Love-Birds, Sauna Youth, Tiger Waves, Fritz, Super Paradise, Ex Norwegian, Thee MVPs, The Brother Kite, Bubble Boys, Charlie Foxtrot, Matt Shane, Murray Darling, Go Violets, Ruby, The Unswept, SCK CHX, Slime

Smile, bae. Your ship's about to come in.

In the spirit of what's generally going on this time of year, we bestow below a bounty of free and legally downloadable songs we've found and liked or loved but just haven't gotten around to posting yet. To download, click the light blue link (bandname or songtitle) or the additional download information we've provided. Of course, it's really the artists themselves (or their labels) who have so beneficently bestowed, so multiple thanks, hugs, etc., to THEM! Hope you have a very merry!

Free download here. Actually, this is by Green Buzzard, one of our very favorite Ozbands discovered in the last couple of years. Cool video here.

Actually by the quite groovy Prince Rupert's Drops; free download here.

The songtitle is "Crazy Sun."

Fun-ish video here.

Pause to take a breath. Okay, back to it.

Free download here. Song's by The Love-Birds.

Another breath. OK, GO!

Thanks to Bill Curran, aka Racer-X, for the headsup.

Thanks to Thibault at Still in Rock for the headsup.

Free download here. Thanks to Wub-Fur for the headsup.

Song's not as oookie as the bandname suggests. Rather Tom Yummy, in fact. Click the down arrow to, like, download.

Are you okay? Have we posted enough this time? We know we've been a bit remiss at posting this year, so we're trying to atone. Did we? (Rhetorical questions, these.)
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