Smile, bae. Your ship's about to come in.
Free download here. Actually, this is by Green Buzzard, one of our very favorite Ozbands discovered in the last couple of years. Cool video here.
Actually by the quite groovy Prince Rupert's Drops; free download here.
The songtitle is "Crazy Sun."
Pause to take a breath. Okay, back to it.
Free download here. Song's by The Love-Birds.
Another breath. OK, GO!
Thanks to Bill Curran, aka Racer-X, for the headsup.
Thanks to Thibault at Still in Rock for the headsup.
Free download here. Thanks to Wub-Fur for the headsup.
Song's not as oookie as the bandname suggests. Rather Tom Yummy, in fact. Click the down arrow to, like, download.
Are you okay? Have we posted enough this time? We know we've been a bit remiss at posting this year, so we're trying to atone. Did we? (Rhetorical questions, these.)
You atoned! and we are very impressed by the use of the word "atone!" I like saying that word, atone atone atone. Seriously, glad to see your post, pplist! Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Bless you, my son! One thing I regret about not posting more often is not hearing from you, John. Thank you for granting atonement. Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. BTW, I've been posting quite a few songs I'm finding and liking over at Facebook. I think we're still friends there, yes?
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