Tuesday, December 22, 2015
More Custom: Sudogwon + Flamingo + leave. + Hello, I'm Sorry + Father Tribe + Let Us Out
In a post earlier today we noted we had found Jack Hardy via Custom Made Music. What we didn't mention is that we found a bunch more during our pleasant several-hours sojourn at CMM's Soundcloud page. Some of it we placed in the Songdrop widget in the upper right of this page. In this post we're putting our favorite free and legal downloadables, always beginning with and then noting our faves from each EP or LP. We'll try to keep comments to a minimum, while providing links and such should you require further enlightenment. Many thanks to CMM for the many headsup.
We loved all four songs on this Valencia, VE band's EP.
Beatlesque psychedeliana from Jacksonville, IL. We like #2 a lot, too.
Steady gaze from Lublin, Poland.
Silky slack from Bellingham, Washington. (Thought about writing WA, but thought you might think, "Western Australia." Heh.) We like #7 a lot, too.
Reminds us of earlier Gap Dream (i.e., minus the excessive electronica). Frisco band.
We like #1 & 3 a lot, too. Montreal band.
Custom Made Music,
Father Tribe,
Hello I'm Sorry,
Let Us Out,
Jack Hardy's Slipped, We Feel Weird, Pleasured, Etc.
When we heard that hardy little tune called "Or Anyone" (#1 above) yesterday we thought, "This feel weird, it sound familiar, in fact we certain we heard this one before, but where oh where?" We searched our archives. Nada.
Well, we just now found out where, and it's here, in a post also inspired by the very same Custom Made Music that led us to "Olive" (#2 above). We don't know Jack (yeah, pp, we've noticed) but suspect he's got something to do with our feeling weird.
Okay, enough. We love this New Orleans guy's EP, name o' Slipped. We usually prefer up-tempo stuff but all five of these moderately paced ditties pleasingly plunk our twanger. We hope your twangers will respond likewise.
Custom Made Music,
Jack Hardy,
New Orleans
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Tally Hall's Silly Wuv Song
Silly, yes, but immensely satisfying. Let us explain.
A long time ago in the same galaxy we currently inhabit, we pointed you toward a fun li'l song by Ann Arbor Michiganders Tally Hall. It disappeared fairly quickly from the also disappeared Underrated Blog (hence, no need for a link), but recently reappeared in demo form in the link widgeted below.
We thank our dear (though we've never been formally--or informally--introduced) Bandcamp friend, Miyuki for helping us find this long-lost treasure. I'truth, though, it's not really that lost, so if you want the finished product, complete with buzzybeed sound effects and awkward phone call, you can click the YouTube widget below and buy it here. It's well worth the shekels, as is Tally Hall tuneage in general.
Incidentally, whether the desired ménage a trois was ever consummated is knowledge beyond the poor powers of a motley crüe such as Team Powerpopulist to unearth. Sorry.
Incidentally, whether the desired ménage a trois was ever consummated is knowledge beyond the poor powers of a motley crüe such as Team Powerpopulist to unearth. Sorry.
And speaking of awkward-phone-call-based numbers, we just can't resist adding "I Don't Mind" by Lubbock band, The Nelsons. We had the pleasure of watching them open for Guadalcanal Diary at a SXWS showcase in this same galaxy even longer ago.
Guadalcanal Diary,
Tally Hall,
The Nelsons
From across the Atlantic come The Pacifics, riding waves of righteous raucous rock. We discovered the Dublin/Hamburg band via new Bandcamp friend, Scott. (Click to find his last name, plus his excellent Bandcamp Collection). Like many of our friends, Scott doesn't actually know we exist. (Is that creepy, or wot?) Wotevs, we found at Scott's lair (creepy?) a number of artists we also like, plus--and this is always exciting--a bunch we don't yet know but soon will. To find more by and about The Pacifics, click here and here.
Party Plants - The Madness of Crowds
I'm proposing this one for group anthem at the next meeting of Hermits Anonymous (if we ever meet, which we never have and never will). Listen to more and get to know the Austin band more intimately here and here.
Hermits Anonymous,
Party Plants
Tuesday, December 15, 2015
Unbeatable: London's The Tamborines
Old (she turned me into a) Knut has a great Best of 2015 Month-by-Month thing going over at Eardrums Music. So what's that got to do with anything here in the hinterlands? So glad someone asked.
You may remember our posting a superfine one by London band The Tamborines, oh, maybe two months or so ago? Well, Knut's put them in the top LPs part of his July/August 2015 Part 1 list, and we're ecstatic he did. And we mean ecstatic, for we found several eardrumsfull of great powergazenoisepsychpop at two of their Bandcamp pages. Here are our very favorites from each. If you like, click appropriately.
Btw, Knut seemed to prefer the latest LP to the first one, but with us it was kind of the opposite, although both are great. We're going in chronological order.
Here's this year's model. (A friend once told us, "pp, you have a gift for the obvious." Quite flattered we were.)
This one has a kind of a TFC feel, whattaya think?
Eardrums Music,
The Tamborines
Weirds' Blood Test
Btw, sorry about the crumby Songdrop malfunct. They do that from time to time for wtf reason.
Little Indie Blogs,
Monday, December 14, 2015
Our Latest Lode of SoundClouds: Tibet, Brilliant Beast, Mystic Braves, Shrinking Violets, The Black Watch
In a previous time it might have been called "waxy buildup." In the new era it's more like "a deluge of delightful digitals" a-crowdin' into the Powerpopulist Green Room. We hope you enjoy and maybe even want to download some or all of these recent finds at SoundCloud.
Access the Cardiff band here and here (additional free and legals).
Visit these Minneapolis gazers here and here.
B-b-but, pp, you said "SoundCloud." And "download." Lying son of a bachelor! Cálmate, chiclets. Click here for the free SoundCloudownloadable. And click here to hear their fabulous new LP, Days of Yesterday, just released last month. They're from L.A. and approachable at Facebook.
Visit the Redditch band here.
The L.A. veterans just dropped their 13th LP, Highs and Lows. Visit them here and buy it here.
And we noticed Fanatic is still making a longtime fave of ours available for free download.
Friday, December 11, 2015
Cotton Mather's Divine New Project
Sure, we've "always" known the I Ching spoke to power, but who knew it also brought the pop. Very glad we are, then, that Robert Harrison, leader of longtime Austin faveband Cotton Mather, consults the I Ching daily and recently received prompting to launch a song cycle based on each of the ancient oracle's 64 hexagrams.
Harrison's already written the first 18 songs, the first of which you can hear and download above. Based on this and previous emanations from CM, it doesn't take much foresight to divine future musical enlightenment of a very high order. Read the whole caboodle at Fanatic Promotion, which also has numerous links to guide you to further wisdom and inspiration. Many thanks to Josh Bloom of Fanatic for guiding us thus far.
Cotton Mather,
Fanatic Promotion,
I Ching,
Josh Bloom
Saturday, December 05, 2015
Fogbound at SoundCloud
You might remember we included a nice one by A Coruña psychpoppers Fogbound in this TAL post of February 2014. We recently reencountered them while making our way through Psychgazer's excellent SPAINchedelic post and ended up downloading a bunch of free and legals at SoundCloud. Here are a few of our favorite excelentes. If you like, click here and get more. Click the down arrows to download.
Video below.
A Coruña,
The Active Listener
Plum Excellent.
Plum purty.
Once again, this is a huge (54.2 or 54.1 MB--we've seen it both ways) WAVE file, so you might want to convert it to mp3 to, you know, save drivespace. Again, your call. We gave detailed instructions in a previous Plumpost. Btw, those previous songs we posted are still available for free download.
***Yes, we too've seen other bloggers make these cutesy-fruitsy, self-satisfied stabs at breezy cleverness, and it makes us sick, too.
Matthew Sweet,
Sick of Myself,
The Revue
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
Volar, Eh?: Susan, The Hussy, Tiger High, Cosmonauts, Audacity, Christmas Island, Cowabunga Babes, Davila 666, Fresh and Onlys

We're gonna go ahead and do this post super quick 'cause we don't even know if the songs will still be available by the time we post. We got an email from Volar Records on Saturday, 28nov15, saying the songs would be available for free download "this weekend."
Unfortunately we were busy "that weekend" giving thanks and shit and missed it until just now. We've sampled the whole glorious thing, downloaded it prontito, and identified our favorites. We'll say upfront here in the fifth sentence that some of these might not be to pure popper preference, but, hey, that's okay. We do try to imagine whether our readers will like the songs we post, but how could we possibly be right all the time? Know what, we're wasting a lot of time on these aesthetic musings and should just get to widgeting.
We also very much liked the following but thought some popper types might get in a snit. We also know, though, we have a few visitors who might like them, so: #19, 31, 38, 41, 42, & 45.
Thursday, November 26, 2015
Sømething from Nøthing: Maria False & Venera 4 (plus more)
If you're not already feeling woozy, this next one from Rennes should help get you there.
We've been grooving on Parisband Venera 4 for maybe a year or so, but here at the blog have mainly been doing it in the Songdrop widget. So thrilled we are to post the following. It's yet more great work by our Lastbuddy Alexandre over at Requiem Pour Un Twister.
Maria False,
Venera 4
From The Jabberwocky Band
Photo by Emmel Création
Let us gyre and gimble to the frabjous driving psychpop of this Paris/Rouen band.
We also love "Freaks Machine." It's less poppy, should you need that.
The Jabberwocky Band
Coaches - Elizabeth Warren
Elizabeth Warren
Tuesday, November 24, 2015
Shadow Folk - "Dexter" & "Billy"
The two below are our favorites from a split EP featuring Halifax chimers/charmers, Shadow Folk. Thanks to The Active Listener for the headsup on this event, not to mention that earlier one, all of whose plentiful pleasures are still available for free download.
Shadow Folk,
The Active Listener
Eating Up coop (Or c.o.o.p.)
They might be c.o.o.p. and they might be coop. Either way, we're finding this L.A. (or LA) trio quite appetizing. Facebook here, Bandcamp here. Thanks to The Revue for the tip. Here is their website.
The Way of Grace - The World Is A Lie
We're loving this, too, as you might have noticed above.
Saturday, November 21, 2015
Electrets Plug It In & Turn Us On

Los Angeles,
The Revue
Thursday, November 19, 2015
Free Code from Dot Dash
We've been posting on D. C. poppers Dot Dash for several years now and got pretty danged excited when they told us they'd posted another freebie from their excellent LP, Earthquakes & Title Waves, dropped in March of this year.
- .... .- -. -.- ... --..-- --. ..- -.-- ... .-.-.-
(Copy and paste here.)
Click here for the free download.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
Strawberry Wine - Taste Me

From Oz via Beko: Blush Response, Mallee Songs, Good Try, & 13 More
Beko is a French label specializing in Australian bands. That almost leaves us speechless, except to say here are our favorites from a recent comp called oz do it better vol2.
Click here to access our previous posts on Adelaiders Blush Response, both of which are chock-full of free and legal downloadables. Visit them at Facebook.
Blush Response,
Good Try,
Mallee Songs,
plant cell - marguerite
Not sure who "marguerite" is, but this glorious gazejangler by Chiba band plant cell is almost unbearably beautiful. You'll find many more downloadables at their SoundCloud page. Face off with them here.
Many thanks to Psychgazer for the headsup. Pgazer's latest playlist (.94/November) is almost unbelievably excellent, but believable nevertheless because we always find tons of terrific tuneage there.
Update, 12march16: The download link has been removed at SoundCloud, but we found the wonderful song on a Kiiro Records Shoegaze3 compilation, which directed us to the comp's free download page.
plant cell,
Monday, November 16, 2015
Courtesy of KEXP: The Foetals - Malted

You can kind of tell they're from England (Manchester, to be precise) by the spelling of the bandname. We say "they," even though the band is the project of Jolan Lewis of The Pink Teens (formerly a faveband of ours monikered Temple Songs).Their debut LP, Meet The Foetals is due to drop December 4 on PNKSLM Recordings. KEXP Blog served up the tasty "Malted" as today's Song of the Day and has it available for free download, for which, many thanks.
Jolan Lewis,
KEXP Blog,
Temple Songs,
The Foetals,
The Pink Teens
Saturday, November 14, 2015
Ding Ding!: Very Most Favoritests from the Ice Cream Man Comp: R.A.F., Marauders, Jasko, Tommy Sistak, The Running Jumps, Phenomenal Cat, Jennifer
Sometimes we just have to bite the bullet, swallow it, and admit the obvious: we're cockups. As soon as we found the colossal name-your-price compilation by the fabulous, absolutely essential Ice Cream Man Power Pop and More back on July 31, we were on it, sampling all 109 songs, notifying friends hither and yon, downloading the incredible thing, and popping our ears off.
Unfortunately we didn't follow through with a post. Fortunately most of the other popperblogs did, so we're pretty sure you've already got it. Nevertheless, we're posting it, along with our sincere apologies and promises, sure to be broken, not to screw up again.
Of course part of the problem was how to account for such a rich embarrassment of tuneage. No small problem indeed, so we're just going to post our seven very most favoritest songs and note the rest. It's so great feeling inadequate.
And here are the other songs we especially loved (some of which we've previously posted and decided not to again, due to the previously noted embarrassments of riches and cockuposity.): 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 15, 18, 23, 26, 35, 40, 42, 43, 44, 50, 53, 56, 57, 64, 65, 71, 74, 79, 81, 83, 85, 86, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 95, 96, 97, 101, 102, 103, 104, 106, & 108.
Thursday, November 12, 2015
For Psychos Only: The Screaming Mad, Unchayned, Bang, The Gear, Murmurs Of Irma
Or maybe we should say psychERS??? WhatEVs. We were poking around at Bandcamp buddy Herbet Johnson's ColLECtion and found some very pleasing psychpop courtesy of Dig The Fuzz Records. Not sure how this will go down generally among the Powerpopulist "crowd," but we've got at least a few speCIFic musical friends up whose alleys this should be right.
We might add that we were also very much enamored of #s 1, 3, & 9. #1 begins with some slightly disturbing sounds, so please don't give up. It kicks into a nice little groove at about 00:34 and gets even better around 00:53-54 (kind of right in between 53 & 54; our measuring device doesn't get quite as specific as you would perhaps prefer.)
Sunday, November 08, 2015
TAL Roundup: The Butterscotch Cathedral, The Torn Circus, Walter Ghoul's Lavender Brigade, Mystic Brew, plus Beaucoup Más
The excellent The Active Listener's been pumping it out at a furious rate of late, but it's not making us furious. Oh, no, not at all, far from it. The following are from the latest TAL Sampler (#37, by number), plus other items condignly commended by N. Ford and Co.
We could have posted 9 more Samplerwidgets below those two, but don't want to splash more cyber than necessary. Let us, then, simply recommend your closer attention to the songs by The Hanging Stars (#3), The Magnetic Mind (#4), Heaters (#6), Flavor Crystals (#8), Coke Weed (#9), Madame De C*** (#10), Shinkiro (#11), The Sunchymes (#18), and Midday Veil (#19).
By your sweet leaf, though, we are going to splash two more widgies, one from Louisiana and one from Russia. Read all about 'em in this TAL post. That post also praises The Age, whom we also love and posted here.
We also especially like #6. Read the TAL post here.
Yes, we posted the same The Butterscotch Cathedral song two posts in a row. We love The Butterscotch Cathedral.
Friday, November 06, 2015
Trouble In Mind Reduces trouble in mind via Dick Diver, The Butterscotch Cathedral, Ultimate Painting, Salad Boys, The Resonars, & Much, Much More
So how do we feel when we find a song we paid for now available for free download? Spectacular, that's how. Which is why we're darned giddy upon receiving word from Trouble In Mind Records of their just released Sampler, repeatedly widgeted below.
And the tune in question? That excelente down there by Melbourne band Dick Diver. (You might have seen it in our recent pppurcha$e$ post.) We're also more than excited to post the ditty by Tucson-based The Butterscotch Cathedral, a side project of Matt Rendon of longtime faveband The Resonars. You've seen TBC several times in our Songdrop widget and indeed highlighted this very week in a Music of the Sphere post. We're also quite chuffed over songs by Londoners Ultimate Painting and Kiwis Salad Boys.

Click here for previously posted free and legals by The Resonars and hear below the widgeted newbie, The Resonars On Tour. Well worth 50 cents a pop.
pppurcha$e$ - Third Quarter 2015
Only a month late and feeling pretty jaunty about it. These are the powerpop, indiepop, shoegaze, psych, etc., songs we purchased during the months of July, August, and September of the current calendar year. We're darned pleased with what we bought, so maybe you'll get some ideas for buys of your own.
to see the list.
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
Music of the Sphere: Butterscotch Cathedral, Murals, Nazz, Wavves, Dictators, Coke Weed, Presents For Sally, Houston In The Blind, Seapony, Cold Beat, Savages
Many thanks to the individuals (or collectives) who've made the following available. Click on just about any of the words below to go to the downloadables.
The Butterscotch Cathedral - Waterfall Parasol/Crocodile & Why Do You Hate Everything I Love - Still in Rock - Resonar resonates.
Murals - Violent City Lantern - Still in Rock
Nazz - Open My Eyes - Still in Rock - plus 2 more
Wavves - All the Same & Wait - Still in Rock
The Dictators - California Sun & (I Live For) Cars & Girls - Still in Rock - Saw 'em on the Manifest Destiny tour. They still had it, and then some.
Coke Weed - New Jive - Magnet Magazine Blog
Presents For Sally - Wishawaytoday - Magnet Magazine Blog
Houston In The Blind - All My Love - Magnet Magazine Blog
Seapony - A Place We Can Go - KEXP Blog
Cold Beat - Am I Dust - KEXP Blog
Savages - The Answer - Side One Track One
Soundcloudownloadables: The Well Wishers, Dignan Porch, Tiger Waves, Wimps and Machos, Summer Fiction, Party Lights
Sorry we've gotten a "little behind" in posting. (Pants fit better, though.) Here are some recent, fairly recent, and downright ancient downloadables we've been much enjoying.
Many thanks to Jeff Shelton of long-time faveband The Well Wishers for making this available, as well as this excellent ABBA cover:
Free & legals still available
Some previously posteds by this much-beloved band are still available
Saturday, October 17, 2015
Party Down Up in Maine
Sheffield's Thee Mightees' SMILING at Delicious Clam
Yes, sometimes a postitle just about says it all. If these Delicious Clam Midlands jangleurs don't get you grinning, well . . . maybe something else will. Thanks to newfound Bandcamp buddy Herbet Johnson for the headsup.
Delicious Clam Records,
The Mightees
Elvyn's Forthcomer
In 2010 Toronto band Elvyn released The Decline, one of our favorite LPs of that particular year. We're therefore excited to hear that the followup, Valley Of The Kilowatt Hour, is due out on November 15 of this particular year (i.e., less than one month hence, duh). The band have kindly released the lead track, "Ellie," for free download, and you can hear one other track in the second widget below. Many thanks to Shake Some Action! for the headsup.
Click here for free download.
And here's our favorite track off the aforementioned The Decline.
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