While making his daily rounds, Dr. Pplist got no further than the middle of the alphabet. There he discovered that
Chris over at the venerable Swiss blog,
Music of the Moment, had apparently stolen his "
Around the Blogosphere" theme and posted some really nice finds from the 'sphere. (Totally kidding, Chris, totally. You've been at this game far longer than the doctor and are a model for him, not vice versa, mkay?
Kid-ding. Cheesy Grin City. Yuk-yuk, etc., etc.) Well, to continue, MOTM directed Dr. P to a German indie blog called
Die Stagediven. (Although one could well snuff it in such risky recreation, the doctor's elementary knowledge of Deutsch suggested that "Die" in this instance actually means "The." He could be wrong but he's not.) Much as Dr. P needs to come up with new terminology, "goldmine" pretty well sums up what he found at Die Stagediven. Not only are DS's current posts juicy with jewels, the
63 pages of
mp3 archives are a veritable torrent of. . .juice. Anyway, the doctor extends thanks to these two excellent blogs. Posted are some favorites he found at DS. Sure, the first one's ancient, but he's been looking for a link to it for a long time. More will be decanted over the coming weeks. But, hey, go find some for yourself, if you're so inclined. Doctor's orders.